"Heavenly Father, as we enter the season of Lent, open our hearts to Your grace and guide us in our reflection and repentance. Help us examine our lives honestly, to let go of our sins, and to draw closer to You through prayer, fasting and acts of charity. May this time be a journey of renewal and deeper commitment to Your love". Amen
"Saint Casimir, at an early age you fell in love with God and the Blessed Virgin Mary. You prayed to them unceasingly and devoted your life to their service. You were a true prince in the court of the Great King of Heaven. Please pray for me, that I will always avoid the lures of this world, keeping my eyes fixed only on Heaven. Saint Casimir, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You". Amen. Patron saint of Poland, Lithuanian and Lithuanian youth. Feast day: March 4th
A Prayer for Ukraine:
"Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine,
for all those suffering or afraid, that You will be close to them
and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion,
strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world
that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our
brothers and sisters in need. May we walk in Your ways so that peace
and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine and for all the world".
(8:00 am Daily Mass is in the convent chapel Monday thru Saturday. Doors open at 7:30 am)
8:00 am + John Podriznik (9th Anniversary of Death)
4:00 pm + Edward Sobczynski
SUNDAY March 2
8:00 am + Walter & Henrietta Bialkowski
10:00 am + Kazimierz Mysliwiec
12:00 pm + Christopher Tolar
MONDAY March 3
8:00 am + Theodore Adaska (Birthday Remembrance)
8:00 am For Our Parish Family
8:00 am + Leonard & Marie Spayer
11:00 am Anne Galka (Health & Blessings)
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 am Sharon Scott (Birthday Blessings)
6:30 pm Stations (English)
7:00 pm
FRIDAY March 7
8:00 am Christopher & Paula Latran (Anniversary Blessings)
6:30 pm Stations
7:00 pm + Jan & Irena Boc
8:00 am
4:00 pm + Theresa Stawicki
SUNDAY March 9
8:00 pm + Holy Name Society
10:00 am + Wieslaw Pilipczuk
12:00 pm + John Day
+ Deceased
We Remember in Our Prayers - Diane Martin who died this past week. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
An Important Notification to Immaculate Heart of Mary Parishioners - Fr. Andrzej Panek concludes his assignment, after 10 years, as Parochial Vicar of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, effective June 2, 2025. He will then return to the Diocese of Rzeszow in Poland.
District Pre-Baptism Class - for parents will be held at St. John Nepomucene Church, Fleet Avenue at East 50th Street on Sunday, March 16th at 11:30 am. Call the parish office during regular business hours to register or for more information (216-641-8444).
Thursdays & Fridays of Lent: Stations of the Cross & Evening Mass - provide special spiritual opportunities. ENGLISH: on Thursdays 6:30 pm Stations of the Cross & 7:00 pm Mass; POLISH: on Fridays 6:30 pm Stations of the Cross & 7:00 pm Mass.
IHM Art & Environment Committee - will meet in the church on Tuesday, March 4th at 6:00 pm in order to prepare our church for Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent. You are welcome to join us in this parish task.
Lent Begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5th - All are invited to come together to begin these special days of prayer, fasting and alms giving with the signing of ashes. They will be imposed after the homily during the 8:00 & 11:00 am English Masses, the 6:00 pm Polish and the 7:00 pm English Masses. May these Forty Days of Lent be a blessing for all of us. It would be wonderful to see more people present for our 8:00 am daily Mass in the convent during Lent. We average only six people for this Mass.
Fast & Abstinence During Lent - Ash Wednesday, March 5th and Good Friday, April 18th are days of abstinence from meat and also days of fast, that is limited to a single full meal. With regard to Good Friday, the teaching of the Second Vatican Council should be recalled: "Let the paschal fast be kept sacred. Let it be celebrated everywhere on Good Friday, and where possible, prolonged throughout Holy Saturday, so that the joys of the Sunday of the Resurrection may be attained with uplifted and clear mind" (Constitution of the Liturgy, #1101). The law of abstinence binds all Catholics 14 years and older. The law of fasting binds all Catholics from the 18th birthday until their 59th birthday (Canons 97 & 1252). The other Fridays of the season of Lent are days of abstinence from meat. With frequent questions about the degree of seriousness of the matter - the teaching of the Holy Father may be simply paraphrased: the obligation to do penance is a serious one; the obligation to observe the penitential days specified by the Church is serious. People should seek to do more rather than less. Fast and abstinence on the days prescribed should be considered a minimum response to the Lord's call to penance and conversion.
Transfiguration Scholarship - Families of Eastern European-ethnic heritage, (e.g. Bohemian, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak) may be eligible for a Transfiguration Scholarship for their children attending a Catholic elementary, Catholic high school or Catholic college in the 2025-2026 school year. Families must be registered parishioners of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish or St. Stanislaus Parish (both in Cleveland); and be able to demonstrate financial need. A FACTS application has to be filed through the non-college school for this purpose, or parents of college students must attach a copy of their most recent tax return. The students must be in good academic standing. Transfiguration Scholarship applications are available in the rectory office or from your parish priest if you are interested in applying. The deadline for returning this application to the pastor is March 15. The diocesan office which conducts this scholarship program has made it available earlier this year.
Available Mass Dates in March and April - Please consider scheduling a Mass for your beloved death or any other special date. Also, remember that the Saturday 8:00 am Mass has been reinstated. In March: Ash Wednesday, March 5th - 6pm Pol & 7 pm Eng, 6th - 7 pm (Eng), 8th - 8am, 20th - 7 pm (Eng), 22nd - 8 am, 23rd - 12p, 26th - 8a, 29th - 8a and 30th - 8am. In April: 5th - 8a, 13th - 12p, 26th - 8a, 27th - 12p & 3p, and 30th - 8a.
141st National Black & Indian Mission Collection is March 8-9 - Your support of this collection helps build the Church in African American, Native American and Alaska Native communities form coast to coast. Schools, parish religious education programs, and diocesan ministries depend on your generosity to help them spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There is an envelope for this purpose in your monthly mailed home packet. For more information (www.blackandindianmission.org).
Called to Lead - The Diocese of Cleveland's Catholic Men's Conference is Saturday, March 22, 2025. Bishop Edward Malesic will be speaking at 3:00 pm, and celebrate Mass at 4:00 pm. Location is Holiday Inn Rockside, 6001 Rockside Road in Independence. Registration 8:00 am, coffee & donuts, conference begins at 8:45 am, lunch & confession at Noon. Guest speakers: Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., and Elvis Grbac, retired NFL quarterback and motivational speaker. Adjourn at 5:00 pm. For more information or to register, go to (www.cmfneo.com) or call 216-633-3502. Deadline to register is Tuesday, March 11. Cost: group of 8 men or more, $45 each, single $50, student $15. A flier about this conference is on the church bulletin board and pamphlet racks with the registration form.
"The Little Black Book" - is available again at IHM. We are offering the popular Lenten devotion found in this book. It has spiritual meditations and short educational passages about the season. It highlights the Passion According to John this Lent. It is convenient to carry and travels easily in your pocket, purse or glove compartment. The goal is to find six minutes of quiet time every day during Lent. You can use this book anywhere. It is available on the tables near the church doors. The requested donation is $1.00. We have 50 books. They cost the parish $85 plus $18 for shipping and handling.
Contribution Statements for 2024 - Registered parishioners who need a tax statement of their 2024 contributions for tax purposes may request one by calling the rectory at 216-341-2734 during office hours (Mon.-Fri. 9-2 pm), sending a note through the mail or put a note in the collection basket. Please include in this note your NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER and ENVELOPE CONTRIBUTION NUMBER. Thank You!
"40 Days for Life" from March 5 to April 13 - you are invited to join other Christians for Life - 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You are also invited to stand and peacefully pray anytime between 7 am to 7 pm during the 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside PRETERM - 12000 Shaker Blvd., Cleveland or PLANNED PARENTHOOD - 25350 Rockside Road, Bedford Hts., or SIGNATURE HEALTH - 54 South State St., Painesville. Join us at the Kickoff Rally at Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Sunday, March 2, at 2 pm, 29850 Euclid Avenue in Wickliffe. The speakers are Luann Sowers, Executive Director of Ivy Women's Center and Mary Ann Meitin, Executive Director of Womankind. Contact John Noall for more information (216-245-9744) or (clevelandpraysforlife@gmail.com).
Operation Rice Bowl - During the days of Lent, our parish will participate in the "ORB" Catholic Relief Service's Lenten program. This year "ORB" asks us to PRAY as a community, FAST in solidarity with those who hunger, GIVE concrete assistance to those most in need, while we LEARN about the joys and challenges in the lives of our brothers and sisters around the world. The theme for this 50th year anniversary is "For Lent For Life". The Rice Bowl is available on the tables near the church doors. We have 100 of them. If you wish to participate, take one of them, then, on Easter put your total donation into the large container near the marble pulpit.
Thank You from Our Neighbor Parish - The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (St. John Nepomucene Church) would like to thank the parishioners of IHM Church for your generous donation of can and paper products to our food pantry (11 boxes) on February 10th. It was very much appreciated. It will help many people at Easter. We make bags of food available for about 20-30 households per month.
Mass Intention Book for 2025 was opened on June 25, 2024 - To schedule in person, please come to the rectory on Monday & Friday, 10:30 am - 2:00 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 9:30 am - 3:00 pm. The stipend for a Mass intention is the Diocesan recommended $10. Only two weekend Masses will be permitted per every five intentions scheduled. To accommodate those with a work-schedule, homebound or traveling a long distance conflict, we will accept requests in writing. These may be mailed to the rectory (6700 Lansing Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44105) or place in the Sunday collection basket. Please mark the envelope, "Mass Intentions", include in it your name, phone number, the name for whom the Mass is intended, Mass date and time, and stipend. Make checks out to "Immaculate Heart of Mary Church". If you have a special anniversary to celebrate, DO NOT WAIT until the last minute to schedule it!
Protecting God's Children - The Diocese of Cleveland's "Protecting God's Children" program is a continuing effort to instruct and inform everyone about the protection of children from sexual abuse. To report any past or present suspected inappropriate behavior toward children by priests, deacons, religious, lay ecclesial ministers or personnel associated with the Church, please contact the Diocesan response Service Office at 216-334-2999 or via email at (responseservices@dioceseofcleveland.org). You are also asked to immediately inform local authorities about inappropriate behavior.
Weekly Donations:
01/26/2025 - $2,323.00 (R&R) - $578.00
02/02/2025 - $3,018.00 (R&R) - $1,670.00
02/09/2025 - $3,644.00 (R&R) - $642.00
02/16/2025 - $1,818.00 (R&R) - $120.00
02/23/2025 - $2,402.00 (R&R) - $120.00
Keeping the Faith - $51.00
"Thank You" to all who have donated to Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in these difficult times. You remain in my prayers. Fr. Ralph Hudak
Standing with Moms in Need (for your information) - "The Catholic Church has a long history of service to those who are most vulnerable and remains the largest private provider of social services in the United States. Through the sacrificial efforts of faithful Catholics, the Church serves millions through diocesan ministries and agencies, Catholic hospitals and schools and parishes. From religious communities to pregnancy care centers, from refugee resettlement services to foster care and adoption agencies, and form maternity homes to parish based ministries, the Church consistently bears witness in word and deed to the beauty and dignity of every human life - including both mother and child" (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops).
Information for Senior Age People - If you have an IRA retirement account and you are 70 1/2 years or older, please consider an IRA Charitable Rollover to benefit your Parish, Catholic Charities, Priestly Formation, Catholic Education or another ministry in the Diocese of Cleveland and/or a "Not for Profit" organization in the community. For more information read some of the material place on the church bulletin board and in the two pamphlet racks near the confessionals.
Are You in the Process of Moving? - In order to serve you the best way possible, we need your current information. Any changes in your family information should be updated with the Parish Office. Thank You!
************************************************************************************************************************** "A Closer Walk with Thee" - (CCA Monthly Grief Support E-Newsletter) - Subscribe to the Catholic Cemeteries Association's monthly grief support e-newsletter, "A Closer Walk with Thee". This e-newsletter is emailed the first Tuesday of each month to any family/individual who has expressed an interest in our bereavement programs. To subscribe to this valued grief support resource, visit: https://www.clecem.org/Information/Bereavement.aspx and click the tan signup box on the right side, contact Rhonda (rabrams@clecem.org) or call 216-930-4866. You can also click this link and go directly to the signup (https://bit.ly/ccabereavementbulletin).
Practicing Spiritual Communion - When the faithful are unable to physically attend Mass, they should be recommended to practice "spiritual communion", an act to which the saints have given a consistent witness. Spiritual communion is a traditional practice of expressing to the Lord our longing for Him and our desire for Him to enter our hearts. St. Theresa of Avila (1515-82) said: "When you do not receive Communion and you do not attend Mass, you can make a spiritual communion, which is a most beneficial practice; by it the love of God will be greatly impressed on you". While there is no formula prescribed by the Church to make to an act of spiritual communion, prayers composed by various saints are part of the Church's rich treasury of devotions. One of the more popular acts of spiritual communion comes from St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787): "My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You". Amen
The Sunday television Mass can be seen at 10:00 am on WUAB Channel 43 - This provides viewers with an opportunity to take part in the weekly celebration of the Mass at a much more convenient time. In addition, WUAB 43 is an over-the-air station that is accessible even to those without cable TV. Those with cable TV need only check their local cable system listing to determine where WUAB is located on their local channel line-up. The weekly TV Mass is produced by the Diocese of Cleveland. It originates from the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland. The televised Mass has been a staple of religious programming on Northeast Ohio airwaves for decades, cultivating a dedicated and faithful following. It is hoped that viewers will continue to tune in on this new station at this new, more convenient time. The TV Mass can also be accessed on demand starting Saturday evening and running throughout Sunday on the Diocese of Cleveland website, www.dioceseofcleveland.org. In addition, the Mass can be heard on the radio on AM 1260 The Rock at 4:00 pm on Saturdays and 10:30 am on Sundays. Also, radio station WINT-1330 AM airs the Mass each Sunday at 9:00 am and Cox Communications cable subscribers can view the Mass on Sunday at 11:30 am on channel 45, and cable station 18 EWTN has its own Sunday and weekday (8:00 am, Noon & 7:00 pm) schedule of Masses. In addition to the Holy Mass, AM 1260 The Rock offers numerous opportunities for prayer throughout the day. The Holy Rosary at 5:30 am and 9:30 pm and the Divine Mercy Chaplet: 5:00 am Monday thru Friday; 3:00 pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please visit am1260therock.com for their full schedule.
The Mass is the Greatest of Prayers - Some reasons for Mass Intentions are an expression of our faith, belief in life after death, belief in the power of prayer to help the deceased during their time of purification (souls in purgatory), for a particular person or persons who have died, for an anniversary of death, wedding anniversary, for health, alcohol-drug addiction, financial help, peace in the world, for our government, a happy death, respect for life, Devotion to Mary or other special intentions.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior
for He has looked with favor on His lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me,
and holy is His Name.
He has mercy on those who fear Him
in every generation.
He has shown the strength of His arm,
He has scattered the proud in their conceit.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,
and has lifted up the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich He has sent away empty.
He has come to the help of His servant Israel
for He remembered His promise of mercy,
the promise He made to our fathers,
to Abraham and His children forever.
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known,
that anyone who fled to thy protection,
implored thy help,
or sought thy intercession,
was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence,
I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins,
my Mother.
To thee do I come,
before I stand, sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not my petitions,
but in thy mercy hear and answer me.